How can NOTHING change into SOMETHING?
The great secret at the heart of the Commonality. One of the great intex revelations.
Behind it all is surely an idea so simple, so beautiful, so compelling that when——in a decade, a century, or a millenium——we grasp it, we will all say to each other, how could it have been otherwise?
.Physicist John Archibald Wheeler
Here is the idea. It is simple. It is beautiful. It is compelling. And you don't need to wait a millenium or a decade. You only need to wait until Monday.
.The Dark Gift
Five has given me the green light to share with you, pilgrim, the greatest secret of all.
The core accounting of how and why the universe exists, how and why we are here. How it all works, in plainspoken words anyone can follow and understand. The explanation of the great mystery is a form of Grand Unification, that supreme theory or perspective that scientists have been tirelessly and fruitlessly hunting for, transcendent knowledge that explains all that is and was and will be.
This Grand Unity Theory—this Secret of the Commonality—is marvelous, astonishing, uplifting, amazing, and it’s perfectly understandable.
It’s a mathematical idea, but it’s one your 10 year old will understand. It’s not solely a mathematical idea. It’s a spiritual idea, too.
Once you understand the solution to the greatest mystery of Creation, you can spend your life applying the revelatory knowledge and experiencing its consequences for yourself, for one of the many wonderful things about this cosmic secret is that it’s true for everyone, but everyone can find the depths of its truth in their own personal way.
And the Secret of the Commonality is so marvelous and important that I’m going to ask you to wait just a little bit longer so you can better savor both suspense and payoff.
Because, c’mon. Think about what you’re getting offered here:
Imagine you’re living in 1930 and the physicists Heisenberg, Schrödinger, Bohr, and Dirac come up to you and say,
Friend, look at this!—we’ve figured out a TOTALLY NEW PERSPECTIVE ON REALITY called quantum physics! It’s mind-blowing and freaky! Ain’t nothing what it seems once you see the world through the lens of quantum dynamics! Yeah, sure—it’ll take a little effort to understand the new perspective, mostly because you’ll have to let go of your old tribal perspective which nobody likes to do—I get it! Go to bed a pessimist and wake up an optimist, who needs that kind of trouble!—but it’s a trade-off well worth making because when you see the world through the lens of this revelatory perspective, pa-ZOW!
The Secret of the Commonality is like that—but way better because,
#1. You’ll grasp the secret of the Commonality a lot easier than it is to grasp the matrix operations, wave functions, and state vector representations of quantum physics. As I said, you don’t need to know any math to understand the operation of the Commonality. You just need to be open to a little mathematical thinking.
#2. You will be able to immediately apply the Secret to your everyday existence. It’s hard to apply quantum entanglement and the superposition principle to everyday tasks like buying eggs or calming your stressed brain or voting for politicians. But you can apply the revelations of the Commonality to such affairs!
Let’s take a moment to ask: Were human priests the ones to discover the Great Secret fueling physical reality?
No, they were not. Why not? We will attempt to answer this question in a moment, but first, let’s consider another tribe.
Were human physicists the ones to discover the Secret?
No, they were not. Why not?
That is an even better question than asking why the priests failed, though the answer in both cases is the same.
Both tribes—religion and science—suffered from a limited perspective. Seeing the big picture requires a more expansive perspective than that afforded by the stifling social norms of religion and science.
And why an autistic perspective has a better chance of breaking free from human tribal norms to embrace a non-human perspective on reality, which makes it easier to see and fathom the deep truths, including the Secret of the Commonality.
Forget the priests and the physicists. If they had gone and done their jobs right, you wouldn’t be here. You wouldn’t still be wondering what really happens when you die. You wouldn’t still be wondering what it’s all for.
(If you’re willing to accept God made everything! or The universe just is, there’s no purpose behind it!, go ahead. I won’t try to persuade you otherwise. Just keep in mind that, erm, well, billions of other folks believe that exact same stuff too. . . you really think the consensus of the human race stumbled upon the correct perspective on the cosmos with such little effort?? After just three thousand years of writing and four hundred years of sciencing? That any old Joe or Josephine can muddle around after a few years of college and caramel lattes and declare, I agree with all the scientists! There’s no meaning to it all! Just mindless equations! and it be correct? That’s a low bar, pilgrim.)
Here’s your glorious opportunity to experience intex revelation full-on, pilgrim.
Because once you read the answer to the Great Mystery, once you understand the dynamics at the heart of the Commonality, as wondrous and satiating as the revelation is, you will never again not know the great secret. Well, not in this timeline. And you might come to miss the mystery!!
This is one reason the gods make the Commonality full of minds like us, so that we might all of us re-experience the mystery again and the quest to answer the mystery again and the revelation of the mystery again—and again and again and again, across so many different souls!
But once you learn the answer to the mystery, your soul will not unlearn it. And, sadly, you might even come to view such sweet epiphany with dreary indifference, the way most folks consider the astonishing fact that Earth goes round the sun. There was a time in human affairs when this belief rocked the foundations of civilization, resulting in inquisitions and flaming executions and religious warfare. Now such majestic truth barely merits a yawn. Please don’t be such a soul, dead to the miracle of your existence.
Both heliocentrism and the Secret of the Commonality are great and wonderful revelations that help us understand our role in Creation and they should both vibrate within your sentience like brass bells.
So take this opportunity that has fallen into your unworthy lap. You’re lucky enough to live in a rare sector of space and time when great mysteries are to be revealed to you. To get the most out of such fortuity, boldly put forth now your own conviction about the ultimate nature of physical reality.
How does reality really work?
What principle or idea lies at the heart of it all?
A bunch of 1s and 0s?
Maybe just a big fat zero?
Endless aimless shiverings of electrons and quarks?
Or is it turtles all the way down? Or angels? Or elephants?
An algorithm?
An equation?
Make your guess. Don’t hedge! Don’t lie to yourself, of all people. You don’t need to tell anyone else or write it down, but don’t lie to yourself! What do you truly think is going on to make all of existence possible?
To what destination of comprehension and perspective has all of your experiences in this mortal coil led you?
Do you think there’s a single all-powerful loving god behind it all?
Or perhaps no gods at all, but a mindless meandering void?
What do you really think?
Here is the mystery at the heart of the Commonality. The mystery that the Secret illuminates and explains.
If you want a riddle to ponder possessing the power to illuminate all of the material universe, all of our experiences and dreams and struggles and physics in this mortal vail, here it is:
How can something change into something else entirely?
How can X become Y?
How can an electron change into a photon?
How can a neutron change into an antineutrino?
How can aimlessness change into purpose?
How can unconsciousness change into consciousness?
How can nothing change into something?
How can Zero become One?
On Monday I’ll share the answer, pilgrim.
Trust me—this ain’t no bait and switch. No cheap hucksterism. I ain’t selling nothing, pilgrim! They want you to know the secret. That’s why you’re here. That’s why they made me envoy for this fleeting moment. They want you to see it.
After that, it’s up to you.
Ok I am very excited and I decided to share my excitement with the world with a prediction market, because I want others to look at it with me/share the same anticipation!! I think for me it's only a question of, how long will it take for people to notice/acknowledge/ understand it/write about it/respond to it